Wednesday, November 29, 2006

This is the hearth a little later when it the mortar has dried a little. The bricks need to dry out. I will clean them later and 'point' them with the same lighter mortar as in the walls. Posted by Picasa

This is the result immediately afterwards - you can see how wet the mortar was - but I pleased with the result. Posted by Picasa

I then made mixed two buckets of concrete - which was WAY too much. It was also too wet, not enough cement and the wrong sand, I think - but apart from that it seemed fine :) - so I used it. Posted by Picasa

I wanted to make a simple, rough hearth edge out of the red building bricks. I put the best ones I had in position to see how it looked. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

However, when I was sanding two large areas (the two top ones) and come away - so I filled them tonight with filler. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 27, 2006

A few weeks ago I sanded down the landing walls systematically (using squares - can't be seen here). Martin wants me to 'paint' the walls with some chemical primer (forgot what) before he comes to skim them with plaster. Posted by Picasa

I also laid a tile under the counter that had been loose for several weeks - so it is now fixed when the carpet is laid next to it - you can see the carpet grippers that Joe stuck down 2 weeks ago. Posted by Picasa

Here is another photo of the carpet with shows how long they are. Posted by Picasa

John also brought the carpet - or carpets - there are two of them - one on top of the other. So Joe can lay them on Wednesday or Thursday. Posted by Picasa

Here is the drinks cabinet back in position, minus the drinks - as I will be laying the carpet later this week and I will put some carpet in the fireplace. Posted by Picasa

I painted the fireplace boards today ... pity they will be bloacked out by Grandad's drinks cabinet :) .. but at least it is one more thing finished. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Here is a closer inside view. I have fitted an insulated wall board on top of the edges of the side boards. The bonding compound has made the top edges uneven - I will try to chip the excess off tomorrow as well as sanding and painting the boards. Posted by Picasa

This is the fireplace once the battens had been taken off. The boards haven't sprung off so I guess it has stuck OK. Posted by Picasa

This is the fireplace with the boards on the walls and the joints filled in - they are drying out. Posted by Picasa

Here are three of them in position but without having been stuck to the wall with the bonding compound. Posted by Picasa

After a false start on Saturday - I just wasn't in the mood - I spent today boarding out the back of the large fireplace. Here are the cut boards before I start to place them. Posted by Picasa