Wednesday, May 25, 2005

And there is the blackbird/thrush on the right. I now have to decide how to approach flagging and walling the deck. Not sure which do do first. I will make the decision later this week. But at least I can sit on this if the sun's out and have a drink :) Posted by Hello

Here is a more detailed photo of the soon to be patio area.... note the robin on the soil - been getting a the worms as I worked .. as had a thrush (or was it a female blackbird?) Posted by Hello

Here is another view of the sort-of levelled base of the patio - moving the heaped soil was bloody hard work. Wish I had taken photos of the work in progress!! Posted by Hello

And this is view of what will be the base of the patio from behind the cement mixer. I had extended the depth of the patio by bringing forward the edging stones by about a foot (maybe 30 cm for metric viewers) :) Posted by Hello

I then had to re-clean the yard which meant moving the cement mixer over to the right (out of view) and regrouping the sandstones. This gave me much easier access to the flower bed that now had to be levelled Posted by Hello

And this is the same area with the aggregate packed behind it. Note the height of the soil in the old flower bed to the right... and how compact it is.... Posted by Hello

This is what the other side looked like before packing with aggregate... the width of the solid base is now much wider... Posted by Hello

I then extended the width even more ... you can see the different colour... this was because there was less cement in the mix .. mainly aggregate and sand. I then packed the residual aggregate behind it... Posted by Hello

Same on the other side .. extending the width a little too... Posted by Hello

Then the next day I poured the final lot of concrete on the back area to bring it up to the string line... Posted by Hello

And finally .. around the corner under the tree... Posted by Hello

and the other end, too Posted by Hello

When I came back from vacation I raised the level of the back concrete area - getting nearer to the string line ... Posted by Hello

And I tidied up the yard before I went on vacation to Canada and the USA. Posted by Hello

And up the other side - I used bricks and stones to line up the concrete area... Posted by Hello

And round the corner under the tree Posted by Hello

Laying concrete along the back of the trench to support any future wall as well as packing out the area in front of the concrete with sand and aggregate... Posted by Hello

I had used up all the bags of rubble from the house that had been stored here previously Posted by Hello

And the same on the other side Posted by Hello

Filling with more stones Posted by Hello