Sunday, October 09, 2005

This is the view of the new positioning of the outlet pipes, all at strange angles. I will put up new guttering ... maybe with down pipes at both sides.  Posted by Picasa

We also cut and moved the pipes from the sink and gutter pipes so they could reach the drain. You can't really see the sink outlet pipe as it is behind the gutter pipe. They are on strange angles as they are all temporary. Posted by Picasa

This is the trench after we had refilled the trench with the gravel mix and the soil. You can also see we turned the drain outlet from the washer around by 180 degrees to reach the new drain. We couldn't move the outlet pipe as it is fixed to the washer inside the kitchen and would have cracked. This is a temporary measure and will be reworked when the kitchen is fitted out (as I am not sure where the washer will go).  Posted by Picasa

This is the start of the filling in with the gravel mix. Posted by Picasa

John wanted us to mix the gravel we had dug out with some old cement I had, so that it would be a better fill. You can see the remains of the gravel after mixing. Posted by Picasa

This is the completed drainage before we covered it in. Posted by Picasa

and this the new drainage on the left. It means I have two new drains - one on each edge - rather than the one. This will be needed once I add a conservatory on the back at some point in the future. Posted by Picasa

This is the drainage in place on the right of the kitchen. Posted by Picasa

Once John and I had dug out the trench (didn't take photos unfortunately) we went to Buxtons and got glazed pot drains (John thinks they are better). We were able to put the main connector in (behind John's left foot) first.  Posted by Picasa

This is the other side before we took the flags up. You cna see the old drain, with the outlet pipes from the old sink (vertical white one), the new sink position (black one), the washer (white at an angle) and the drain pipe from the roof (black think one). Posted by Picasa

We need to move the door to where the window currently is. Unfortunately, we have to move the drain outside the window, first. I have forgotten that. So John Pattinson and I spent Saturday morning (Oct1) moving the drainage instead of knocking down the wall. I started by lifting the flag stones while John went to get his pipe cutters. Posted by Picasa